5 Tips to Help Children Break the Ice with Math

5 Tips to Help Children Break the Ice with Math

A child who frets numbers is a common scenario in every second household. What is your child’s relationship with math like?

If your child loves to play around with the concepts of calculations, measurements, quantities, symbols, and shapes, you are sure to have had that little happy dance. On the contrary, finding your child run in the opposite direction of a math session must have gotten you worried.

Now is the time for you to set all your concerns aside. All it takes is a little effort on your part to build a friendly relation between your child and math. So today, we, at DPS Kota, positioned among the best CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, have brought for you 5 easy yet effective ways that will work as a game-changer in making your child and math come together.


Most children are averse to learning math, especially when the emphasis is laid on textbook knowledge. In most cases, children hold certain pre-set mental blocks, which act as a hurdle in free learning. So how do you resolve this issue?

This is your opportunity to play smart as a parent and link math to activities that are of interest to your child. For instance, if your child loves to play cricket, you can introduce different math concepts by speaking about the speed at which the ball travels or the pace at which the batsman runs.

Such innovative learning methodologies would help children understand that math, when learned the right way, isn’t really that bad.


  • Be okay with the idea of going wrong

Have you ever realized that “Math Problems” is a thing? The first impression your child has is that he is sitting to solve a problem, and thus he needs to find a solution.

Here, parents should underline to their children that math problems can have multiple solutions, and thus there is no one right or wrong. At DPS Kota, children are encouraged to come up with unique solutions for math problems and are also applauded for their efforts. Actions like these help to keep children’s interest alive in the subject.


  • Avoid passing judgments

Your child is no less capable, even if he/she takes a little extra time to add or multiply numbers. Every child has his/her own pace, and as a parent, you need to be accepting towards whatever your child’s pace is like.

If you keep boggling down your child or make harsh comments on his/her math capabilities, you’d have a hard time rebuilding his/her interest in the subject.

Instead, just try patting your child’s back when he/she answers a math question. In due course, you’d notice his/her confidence, understanding, and speed improve.


  • Be a math lover first

If you constantly badmouth math and keep complaining about how you disliked the subject, there is going to be no coming back. Your child will try to assume your role and avoid contact with this subject.

Thus, make it a point that instead of showing your own disinterest in the subject, you must try to enjoy math first. Speak to your child about how this subject has made positive contributions to your life.


  • Indulge in math games

Introducing math-based games in your child’s life would be a mindful decision in helping your child in learning the subject better. Concepts, which are difficult to understand through books, are simplified by these games. With these games around, even before you know, you must have successfully instilled an unshaken interest about math in your child.


Summing up…

It can be confidently concluded that even if your child dislikes math today, he/she may come to love this subject tomorrow. However, we, at DPS Kota, one of the leading CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, strongly believe that you, as their parents, and we, as their mentors, have a crucial role to play in this regard. We, at our school, lay a lot of weightage on introducing math to our pupils in a fun way. If you, the parents, can also keep hold of your patience and try to make math a fun-filled learning experience for your kids, the job is only going to get

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