Extracurricular Activities and Their Benefits: More Than Just a Hobby

Extracurricular activities—those pursuits we engage in outside the classroom—often play a pivotal role in the holistic development of students. Far from being mere hobbies or ways to pass the time, these activities are instrumental in fostering essential life skills, enhancing academic performance, and opening doors to future opportunities. In this blog, we at DPS Kota, […]

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Ease Your Exam Pressure with These 5 Stress Management Tactics

Examination pressure is a pervasive challenge faced by students worldwide, which is generally ingrained in various psychological and physiological factors. Scientifically, the pressure to perform well in exams is what triggers the body’s stress response, releasing cortisol and adrenaline, eventually impacting cognitive functions and emotional well-being. According to an NCERT survey, a staggering 80% of […]

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