Parents may not like to hear this, but almost all kids lie at some point in time. Whether it is a harmless lie that presents them as heroes or a lie intended to save them from the consequences of their wrongful actions, there will be some type of lie. We at Delhi Public School Kota, […]
Author: admin
Why Teens Need More Rest – Understanding the Science Behind Sleep
We all know that sleep is important for everyone. But do you know sleep holds a bit too much importance for children in their teenage years? Young children can sleep longer because they don’t have much on their plate. However, as they grow older, they start feeling pressurized by their academic and social commitments. This […]
Easy Tips to Groom Creative Writing Skills in Children
Creative writing is more than just putting words on paper. It’s a powerful tool that nurtures imagination, self-expression, and emotional well-being in children. At Delhi Public School Kota, a well-known CBSE affiliated school in Kota, we recognize the pivotal role creative writing plays in children’s development. We conducted a small survey in this regard and […]
Toxic Lines You Must Never Say to Your Kids
Parenting is a rewarding journey but equally demanding, draining, and complex. You may enjoy raising your bundle of joy one day and hate having to manage endless parenting tasks the very next day. While navigating good days is incredibly easy, challenging moments can often press the wrong buttons for some parents. Regardless of the experiences […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Hug Your Child More Often
Do you remember the first time you held your child in your hands and felt an instant connection, an overwhelming rush of love, and the feeling that the world has been narrowed down to only the two of you? It feels as if all the worries and sorrows have been lifted from your shoulders at […]
Teaching Kids to Save Precious Natural Resources is Vital
Whether you receive trending world updates through mainstream news channels or social media platforms, you must have come across debates about the depletion of natural resources on our planet. All of us know that most global societies, economies, etc., depend heavily on natural resources for continuous growth and development. This dependency has taken a toll […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Let Your Children Ask Questions
Nothing feels more rejuvenating than engaging in innocent, childlike talks with kids, especially after a tiring day. However, these moments of bliss can soon turn into a frustrating experience when you’re faced with a never-ending barrel of questions. While some parents may ask their children to stop asking so many questions out of annoyance, we […]
First Aid Basics Every Parent Should Know
Every parent desire to protect their kids from potential harm and injuries. But we all know and very well understand that keeping the kids entirely away from minor scratches, bumps, etc., is something next to impossible. While watching kids fall and get knee injuries in a park or seeing blood come out of their nose […]
Summer Activities to Build Social Skills of Your Kids
Summer is probably one of the favorite seasons of kids because it offers the year’s longest vacation period. While summer, especially the vacation phase during this season, is characterized by slow mornings, no rigid academic schedule, carefree days, and plenty of playtime, it is also the best time to nurture a child’s non-academic yet crucial […]
5 Signs That Show You Are a Helicopter Parent
Do you often hover over your child’s homework to double-check what they have done or mentally replay a game they lost on a loop? If yes, you may be a helicopter parent. While every parent wants to help their kids and give them the absolute best, there’s a fine line between being supportive and overprotective. […]