Easy Tips to Groom Creative Writing Skills in Children

Creative writing is more than just putting words on paper. It’s a powerful tool that nurtures imagination, self-expression, and emotional well-being in children. At Delhi Public School Kota, a well-known CBSE affiliated school in Kota, we recognize the pivotal role creative writing plays in children’s development. We conducted a small survey in this regard and found that nearly 1 in 2 children say they write to be creative or to express their ideas and imagination. It has been proven in various research studies as well that writing can significantly boost mental well-being, with 2 in 5 children agreeing that creative writing makes them feel better.

To foster these skills, we at our school actively encourage our students to engage in creative writing by participating in workshops, writing clubs, and various activities held at school and also beyond our boundaries while giving them supportive feedback as they discover the joy and confidence that creative expression brings. Today, in this blog post, we are sharing a few practical tips you can help your kids adopt to groom their creative writing skills. Read on.

  • Tap on the Power of Reading to Write Creatively:

Reading opens doors to endless worlds and ideas. When children read a variety of books, stories, and poems, it not only makes up for their entertainment value but also teaches them how different stories need to be told.

This exposure helps them to develop a rich imagination and a strong vocabulary, which is the first step towards adopting an inclination toward creative writing. For example, children who enjoy reading fantasy novels may get inspired to create their own magical worlds, filled with unique characters and adventures, by writing words in line with whatever they have been reading. It has more to do with gaining inspiration from authors to express oneself more vividly and creatively through writing.

  • Create a Writing Space & Push Writing Prompts:

Creating a special writing space can make all the difference for children. Whether it is a cozy desk in their bedroom or a quiet corner of the house, having a dedicated spot can encourage and inspire children to start writing.

Similarly, providing fun writing prompts can really get their creativity juices flowing. Prompts along the lines of “What if animals could talk?” or “Describe a magical place you discovered recently” can spark children’s imagination, which they can eventually put down on paper in the form of creative words.

At Delhi Public School Kota, we understand the importance of these creative spaces and prompts, which leads us to encourage our students to explore their writing through inspiring environments and exciting ideas.

  • Unite Creative Writing with Play:

If you ask us, we would recommend incorporating writing into playtime as it works out as a fantastic way of making creativity fun for children. Imagine your children writing scripts for their toys, where their favorite characters go on exciting adventures, or creating comic strips filled with superheroes they have newly invented.

They could even come up with their own stories, turning playtime into a world of imagination and words. As parents, you will agree that doing this shall stop making writing feel like a task but rather an enjoyable activity that children will always look forward to. At Delhi Public School Kota, we believe there is no better way of nurturing children’s love for writing than uniting it with fun playtime. Try it out!

  • Turn Creative Writing into a Habit:

You should make your children realize that turning writing into a daily habit is no different than brushing their teeth—An activity that may not always be that exciting but is very important!

You must encourage your children to write something every day, even if it’s just a few lines. You can get them excited by calling it a “word workout” for their brains. Over time, this little daily habit will help them find their unique voice and sharpen their writing skills. And who knows? That quick note about their day might just turn into the next bestselling novel!

  • Lead by Example:

Over four-fifths of parents (83%) believe that writing well is more crucial today than it was 20 years ago. In that case, just like children, their parents need to turn to writing, aka creative writing. Being a role model for writing can be incredibly motivating for children. Show them that you are excited about writing, share your stories, jot down your thoughts, or even write alongside them. When children see adults embracing writing, they are more likely to see it as valuable and fun.


We at Delhi Public School Kota, a well-known CBSE affiliated school in Kota, believe it is important to give children a sneak peek into the world of creative writing and show them that it is a fun and rewarding activity to engage in. To make this a reality, it will help to put the above tips and tricks into play.

Making creative writing easy for children involves giving them plenty of time and being patient as they develop these skills. Additionally, allowing them to explore and express themselves at their own pace can make the process enjoyable and less stressful. So, are you with us on this?

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