First Aid Basics Every Parent Should Know

Every parent desire to protect their kids from potential harm and injuries. But we all know and very well understand that keeping the kids entirely away from minor scratches, bumps, etc., is something next to impossible. While watching kids fall and get knee injuries in a park or seeing blood come out of their nose can be a nightmare for parents, such experiences are an inevitable part of a healthy growth journey. As such, the only thing parents can do to protect their kids is to learn the basics of first aid for common situations.

We at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the top schools in Kota, firmly believe that every adult must equip themselves with the fundamentals of first aid as it is one of the most vital skills that can help save many lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming fatal. It is all the more important for parents to learn the basics of first aid. However, we noticed that most people aren’t trained in first aid or have only limited knowledge. Thus, we have created this guide to equip all of our blog readers with the necessary information on how to handle common medical situations.

Let’s Start with Ground Zero

Before diving straight into first aid methods, we recommend parents to start with checking their medical kit. Whether your kids come to you with a sprained ankle or bruises, you will need certain essentials to facilitate the first aid process. So, check the first aid box available in your home and ensure it has basic supplies to support first aid for common hurts and injuries. While you can keep as many items as you desire, we recommend having the following must-have supplies:

  • A digital thermometer
  • Medical tape
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Non-latex gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Cold compress
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Band-Aids in varying sizes
  • Doctor-approved painkiller for kids
  • Scissors
  • First aid manual
  • Cotton balls
  • Elastic bandage

Besides these essentials, parents must also keep a notepad in the kit containing the family doctor’s number and other relevant information that may come in handy while seeking professional medical help over a call.

Exploring First Aid Basics for Parents

Now that you know what to include in your medical kit, let’s explore how to handle common medical conditions at home.

  • Choking

Younger kids often experience choking when trying to eat food in a hurry or gulping it down without proper chewing. If your kids ever choke but are conscious and can talk, ask them to cough normally to clear any stuck object from their airways. Here, we at Delhi Public School Kota would like to recommend parents not to pat or push their kid’s back while they’re choking, or else it could further push the object down their throat. Avoid reaching out with your hands to retrieve the object to prevent worsening the situation. If normal coughing doesn’t stop and they struggle to talk, call a doctor for immediate medical assistance.

  • Minor Cuts and Scrapes

It is one of the most common situations that every parent must be prepared for. If your kid falls while running in a hurry, hits a strong object, or accidentally gets hurt by a sharp object, they will most likely get minor cuts or scrapes. If it results in light bleeding, gently elevate the wounded area and apply soft pressure to stop further bleeding. Then, clean the wound with water and an antiseptic solution to remove any accumulated dirt from the wounded surface. Once the area is clean, gently apply an antiseptic ointment and wrap it with an adhesive bandage. Change this bandage daily until the wound dissipates. If you notice severe bleeding, call a doctor for instant help.

  • Bloody Nose

Seeing a child run towards them with a bleeding nose can scare even the most prepared parents, but remember, it can be handled wisely. If you find yourself in a similar situation, ask them to slightly tilt their head forward and pinch their nose shut by applying gentle pressure using your thumb and index fingers. Ensure they don’t blow their nose and breathe through their mouth. Ask the child to remain calm and apply a cold compress. Spray a nasal decongestant in the nose. In the meantime, call a nearby doctor for immediate treatment.

  • Sprains and Fractures

It can be challenging to determine whether a child has got a sprain or fracture just by looking at it, but you can offer instant support by gently wrapping that area in a clean cloth/towel. Do not try to straighten that area; instead, apply cold compressors for temporarily soothing the swelled area and accompanying pain. While your kids rest in that position, instantly dial any doctor for further medical assistance.


Parents can often feel helpless when they see their kids hurt, injured, crying in pain, and being unable to help them. It is for situations like these when basic first aid knowledge can help offer temporary relaxation to kids and also give parents time to think. We at Delhi Public School Kota, recognized among the best schools in Kota, are sure that the tips shared in this blog post can come in handy if need be. However, we would like to clarify that the basics covered in this post are only to help kids receive instantaneous support while professionals reach the spot for proper medical care. Do not consider first-aid methods as a replacement for medical intervention and treatment.

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