We have often heard people saying that previous generations had an easy time studying in a focused way because there were not as many distractions as there are today. Yes, this holds a lot of truth indeed. Today’s children are struggling to participate in focused study sessions in a world full of distractions. The reasons for distraction can be plenty for different students, but it all leads to a common scenario – poor academic performance.
Worry not, for we at Delhi Public School Kota, positioned among the best CBSE schools in Kota, have some great solutions for students struggling to study with complete focus. We have handpicked the best tips that can be quickly implemented to eliminate distractions from all your study sessions. So, come, let’s explore the tips shared below and see which of these resonate the most with you.
Create a Dedicated Study Space
Can you create a sandcastle in the middle of a crowded beach? It sounds impossible, right? The same feels true for situations where you’re trying to study amid distractions. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to study with focus. Hence, we at Delhi Public School Kota encourage every student to create a dedicated study space away from every type of distraction.
We aren’t talking about creating a fancy home office setup, but a simple corner equipped with essentials. Look for a quiet space in your home that can be transformed into your productivity sanctuary. When you make it a habit to study in a dedicated study space for an extended period, your brain begins associating it with studying, and you naturally go into ‘distraction-free study mode’ by just sitting there.
If you don’t have a dedicated study space, we recommend picking a corner with good lighting, minimal noise, and just enough space for your study materials.
Master the Art of Time Management
It’s easy to get distracted when you feel overwhelmed with your to-do list and a draining study routine. So, those of you who feel distracted even after studying in your dedicated study spaces must evaluate your time management approach. Maybe you’re trying to accomplish too much in a relatively short time or have created unrealistic expectations that make it impossible to achieve them.
You can fix it by following proven time management techniques like Pomodoros. It simply requires you to study dedicatedly in 25-minute blocks followed by a short 5-minute break. A long 15-30 minutes break can be taken after you’ve finished four 25-minute study blocks.
Techniques like this work because our brains can only maintain intense focus for shorter periods. So, break your study time into manageable chunks to work with your natural attention spans, not against them.
Silence Digital Distractions
Digital distractions are one of the leading factors preventing focused study. We at Delhi Public School Kota spoke to several students and found they get easily distracted by their smartphones. If you’re one of them, learning to silence digital distractions can help you achieve peak productivity and maintain focused study sessions for long hours.
For instance, if you like to keep your phone by your side, use its ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature to your advantage. Activating this feature will block all notifications on your phone for a specific period or till you choose to turn it off. Alternatively, you can also use app-blocking tools that help you limit social media access during study hours. Another great option is activating your phone’s ‘grayscale’ mode to make your device less appealing.
If you cannot follow any of these tips, place your devices in another room or hand them to your family members so your attention only flows to your study materials.
Practice Mindfulness and Focus Techniques
Mindfulness may not appear to be directly connected to distraction-free learning, but the reality is that they are very well connected. Practicing mindfulness techniques strengthens your brain’s ability to concentrate. You can begin by practicing simple breathing exercises. Start by sitting comfortably in a distraction-free space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath for two to three minutes.
Your mind will wander during this time, but you must gently bring back your attention to your breathing. Practicing it regularly will train your mind to recognize and redirect distracting thoughts. You can also follow the ‘body scan’ technique. It involves systematically relaxing each part of your body, helping you release stress and improve focus.
Beginners must start with guided meditations for such practices, and can later practice independently for optimal results.
Distraction is a leading cause of most students’ underperformance. At Delhi Public School Kota, ranked among the leading CBSE schools in Kota, we genuinely believe every child is innately bright and has an unmatchable potential to thrive in their life. However, their surrounding distractions and their inability to overcome them puts them at a significant disadvantage. If it sounds like you, we encourage you to implement the tips discussed above to eliminate distractions from your study routine. Explore all the tips and stick to the ones that deliver the best results for you.