DPS Kota Registering New Feats Each Day Under the Mentorship of its Prestigious Management Committee

DPS Kota Registering New Feats Each Day Under the Mentorship of its Prestigious Management Committee

When it comes to leading an educational institution to the zenith of possibilities in terms of accomplishments and excellence, the management committee has the most significant role to play. And at DPS Kota, we are extremely proud to state that educational stalwarts leading us from the front have been the wind beneath our wing and the light that has mentored us along the journey. With that in mind, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the distinguished members of our management committee that have been the guiding light for us and have consistently shown DPS Kota the path to glory.

Mr. V.K Shunglu, Chairman

Mr. V.K Shunglu had been an illustrious member of the Indian Administrative Services and currently holds a prestigious position as the UN Panel of External Auditors. He has held senior portfolios in finance, energy, planning and taxation, and health and family welfare in his long career of serving as a government official. He has brought in a wealth of knowledge and has always guided us well along the path.

Ms. Meenakshi Singh Pathania, Pro Vice Chairperson

An educationist and a visionary, Ms. Meenakshi Singh Pathania has always been driven by the passion to bring innovation in the field of learning and enlighten the young minds of the country. She has been the guiding light for all her three ventures, i.e., Apple Blossom, DPS Kota, and The Tribhuvan School.

Ms. Namita Pradhan, Vice Chairperson

Ms. Namita Pradhan holds the prestigious position of the vice-chairperson and pro trustee at the DPS Society. She has also been a distinguished ex. IAS officer and ex. Assistant General of World Health Organization (WHO). She has been our mentor and sounding board in undertaking several plans and policies.

Mr. N.K. Singh, Member

Renowned economist, politician, and former bureaucrat, Mr. N.K. Singh continues to be an eminent member of the management committee at DPS Kota. As a former lecturer at the prestigious St. Stephen’s College and a current lecturer at several top-notch universities, Mr. Singh is a distinguished visionary with ideas that lead us ahead with confidence.

Dr. Kiran Datar, Member

Dr. Kiran Datar has been the winner of several accolades in her long and illustrious career as the former Vice-Chancellor University of Delhi and former Advisor at the National Knowledge Commission. Her contribution to the world of learning and knowledge has been celebrated through Fulbright Fellowship, Dorothy Lee Grant, Mahila Shiromani Award, and Himotkarsh National Integration Award. We, at DPS Kota, consider ourselves truly privileged to learn every day from her work and insights.

Ms. Savitri Kunadi, Member

A member of the royal family of Kota, Ms. Savitri Kunadi, had joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1967. And during her career spanning 37 years in foreign services, she held several important positions in Indian missions abroad in different parts of the world. These included postings in Paris, Warsaw, New York, Peru, Bolivia, and Geneva, which also interspersed with postings in New Delhi.

Maharaja Gaj Singh, Member

Another member of the royal family to have joined our management committee is Maharaja Gaj Singh, a former member of the Indian Parliament and former High Commissioner of India to Trinidad and Tobago.  He also served a term in the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the Indian Parliament.

Dr. Sandeep Gulati, Member

Dr. Sandeep Gulati is an eminent gastroenterologist that the nation knows and trusts. His commitment to his field has earned him nationwide fame and appreciation. As a member of the DPS Society, he inspires us every day to be better and strive towards excellence and brilliance with renewed vigor and passion.

We, at DPS Kota, have come a long way today from where we started, and these eminent visionaries have always had a major role to play in that regard. And as they continue to guide us on this path of illuminating the nation builders of tomorrow with the best kind of holistic education, we l

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