The Right Way to Help Kids Face Their Fears

As parents, one of the first desires we hold is to raise confident and courageous children. But, to make this a reality, the first step is to get children to win over their fears. At Delhi Public School Kota, one of the top 5 schools in Kota, we firmly believe that as adults, we should not hesitate to introduce children to the definition of fears while not forgetting to highlight different types of fears and phobias.

For instance, one child may be fearful of heights, while another might not get along too well with water and water-based activities. Whatever the fear be, to overcome it, what’s important is that children recognize their fears and lay efforts toward working out mechanisms to deal with them.

Trust us; simply disregarding the fears of your kids is not going to help in shooing the fears away. Instead, you have to take an empathetic approach to it. To help you in this regard, we have outlined below the core steps that you must follow. Read on to understand better.

  • Identification of Fears:

We at DPS Kota firmly believe that the very first step to help kids face their fears and get over them is to make them understand the importance of identification of fears. Unless fear is identified, it is next to impossible to tackle it.

This is where it becomes necessary to spot a pattern. For instance, a child may continue to perform poorly in mathematics. The reason behind the same could be fear of numbers. There are bright chances that the child holds certain pre-conceived notions, which prevents the child from getting friendly with numbers, thus leading to dislike and fear towards mathematics.

  • Encourage Open Communication:

Many times children hesitate to express themselves with regard to the fears they face. This may be because they are unable to sit down with their adults to have a free-flowing conversation about the fears that act as obstacles in their lives.

This is why we at DPS Kota always encourage our pupils to come forward and open up about their fears and inhibitions, be it to their parents or teachers. We firmly believe that open communication is one of the best ways of finding a permanent fix to children’s fears.

  • Help Them Face the Heat:

At DPS Kota, we strongly believe that one of the best ways of tackling fear is rising to the moment and facing the heat. For instance, a child may be scared of heights. In this case, instead of preventing exposure to heights to suppress fear, it would make sense to accompany children to places from where they can experience heights, one baby step at a time.

This is important because avoiding fears only make such fears reside in children’s lives for a lifetime. Instead, if attempts are made to break the chain by motivating them to try activities they usually fear, there are bright chances of children coming out strong of the ruckus.

  • Share Your Own Struggles:

It is important that children understand that dealing with fears isn’t a lone battle. This becomes possible when parents and teachers come forward to share their personal experiences. At DPS Kota, one of the top 5 schools in Kota, we believe that it is pretty common for every individual to have experienced fear at least once in a lifetime with a very personal corresponding story of how they overcame this hurdle. Thus, our teachers see to it that they engage children in such conversations where they can relate their own fears with those of others and gain motivation to get over their fears just as the other person has done. This helps children to understand that it isn’t wrong for them to feel fearful as long as they are open to the idea of eradicating fears by facing them.


Summing Up:

All this while, if you as a parent have been struggling to bring up the conversation that revolves around “fear” with your children, the above roadmap shared by us in this blog post above will surely be helpful. Needless to say, it is important for you to remain patient and give time to the process. Afterall, fear is just a normal emotion. However, since kids aren’t able to aptly process their emotions, especially the negative ones, they need adult support in most cases. So, as parents, you need to see to it that you just stick to the right approach, and we are sure your kids will soon bid goodbye to their fears.

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