5 Tips for Raising Boys into Respectful Men

People have always molded their personalities, thought processes, and way of living to better assimilate with society. You must have done it too, while growing up, and now it’s time you help your kids do the same. We at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the top 5 schools in Kota, believe that while all kids require proper grooming, boys often need special attention and assistance to grow into respectful men because of the fast-changing gender dynamics and evolving societal norms. Raising respectful men is crucial to forming a healthy, equal, just, and happy society. It is necessary for their personal growth and development as well.

It has been seen that boys who grow up to become respectful men are better equipped to establish and maintain healthy relationships, personally and professionally. They are also more open-minded, flexible, and adaptable to changes. If you want to raise respectful, mature, and well-rounded boys, implementing the following five tips can help a lot:


  1. Teach Empathy from a Young Age

Kids learn faster and better when they’re young because of their curious and more adaptable nature. Since empathy is at the core of respect, parents should try to inculcate this quality early in life. You can begin by encouraging boys to identify, understand/process, and share others’ feelings in a healthy way. For example, when they encounter someone being sad, ask your boys to try putting themselves in their shoes so they can feel what others experience. It will help them better relate with others, regardless of their background.


  1. Promote Gender Equality

Gender stereotypes have existed for decades, but things are slowly changing for the better. Men with respect as their core value find it easy to denounce stereotypes existing within society. They challenge outdated beliefs created around femininity and masculinity, helping bring a balance in society. One of the easiest yet most powerful ways to empower boys is by letting them pursue their interests, irrespective of their gender. For example, don’t tell them certain professions or tasks are only for a particular gender. We at Delhi Public School Kota would like to recommend you to show them respect that transcends gender boundaries. When you do that, they will be in a better position to replicate the same.


  1. Always Lead by Example

Parents are their kid’s favorite role models. As such, it is important you make it a rule to always lead by example. When boys notice similar behavior, action, etc., regularly in their life, they embrace it without resistance. If you’re trying to raise respectful men, begin showing them things that align with the values you want them to embrace. For example, show how you never resolve conflicts with aggression, treat everyone respectfully, and empathize with everyone. Actions are the best teachers, so ensure you leverage them for your benefit.


  1. Teach Consent and Healthy Boundaries

Respectful men are known for maintaining healthy boundaries for themselves and honoring others’ boundaries. It is incredibly important for anyone to lead a fulfilled life. You can begin by teaching them why respecting boundaries and consent is important and why it should be non-negotiable throughout life. Parents can use age-appropriate scenarios to teach boys about consent and healthy boundaries. We at Delhi Public School Kota, recognized among the best schools in Kota, believe every individual should learn to seek consent in mental, emotional, physical, and other relationship aspects, so everyone benefits.


  1. Encourage Open Communication

We have seen that many boys lack proper guidance and information, especially on delicate matters like respect. It is where the role of parents shines out. You must create a safe home environment where boys feel secure and comfortable to ask questions about anything under the sun. It will ensure they get the right information from the beginning and aren’t misguided by incorrect information elsewhere.

You can begin by hosting special family hours every day at home where everyone comes together to engage in casual communication. Acts like these can make it easier for boys to approach their family members, especially parents, and grow into respectful men.



When you raise boys into respectful men, you help bring positive and healthy societal changes. It can be a challenging journey, but it will certainly be worthwhile. You can devise innovative ways to inculcate respect as a core value in their life or begin by implementing the tips discussed in this article. However, we would also like to advise the parents to maintain patience as the journey of your little boy to manhood is a long one, and visible changes may take time to appear.

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