The RIGHT Way to Managing the Out-of-Control Behavior of Kids

How many of you wish to relive your carefree childhood days? We bet many! And why not! After all, childhood is the phase when we have the most amount of fun, get most of the things we ask for without putting any effort, have our very own loyal group of friends, and, in general, are free from worries and concerns.

However, there is one downside to being a child as well. Since children do not have worldly matters to take care of, they often begin to feel entitled to have whatever they wish for. This makes many children turn stubborn, who then begin throwing tantrums for every little thing and go out of control whenever their wishes remain unfulfilled.

At Delhi Public School Kota, one of the best CBSE schools in Kota, we have encountered and reversed many such situations, and thus, through this blog post today, we are attempting to share with our parent fraternity various ways that work miraculously well when it comes to managing the out-of-control behavior of kids. So, let’s quickly delve in without any further ado.


  • It All Begins with the Right Conversation:

We have observed that children who continue to reflect out-of-control behavior are either the ones who aren’t aware of the wrong in their behavior or the ones who know something isn’t right but are unaware they need help.

Whatever the case, both of these situations can be tackled by initiating a conversation. A conversation where both parties willingly and wholeheartedly engage in. Such conversations work as an outlet for children to discuss the why, what, and how of their behavior. This, in turn, helps to keep the out-of-control behavior of children at bay.


  • Keeping Your Calm is Important:

When children start showcasing out-of-control behavior, it is natural for parents to lose their calm. However, it is important for you to understand that when you lose your calm and react harshly, the message that children get is it is okay to lose one’s calm. Moreover, they feel misunderstood and ignored. In the days to come, they are likely to pick up similar reactions. Hence, to prevent the already complicated situation from worsening further, it is necessary for you to keep calm when children start getting out of control. Sometimes time alone helps get children back to their senses. If not, the mere fact that they aren’t getting the desired reaction leads to children putting a full stop to their out-of-control behavior.


  • Choice of Words Matter:

We all know that children get easily triggered. So, even if you casually say something to get a check on the child, you may end up triggering the child. This is where your choice of words matters.

It is helpful to use good and positive words even when the situation feels out of control. For instance, your child might have gone out of control to a point wherein he/she would be throwing all toys here and there. Now instead of shouting or giving warnings, try saying something like – “Common, you are a good boy/girl who loves your toys. Let’s together arrange them back.” This shall prove helpful in reversing the heated situation.


  • Go to the Root Cause of the Problem:

If your child’s out-of-control behavior is a one-off action, you may want to let go because somewhere deep down, you are confident this incident won’t repeat itself. However, if this has become a pattern where your child gets out of control pretty often, it is better to go deeper and try to trace the root of the problem. If this is something you cannot do on your own, it is advisable to take professional help.



We at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the most trusted and renowned CBSE schools in Kota, firmly believe that children are innocent beings. Most of what they say or do doesn’t have a well-thought-of background to it. In most cases, they are unaware of the consequences and impact too. Hence, blaming children or getting harsh with them for their bad and out-of-control behavior wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Instead, taking a step ahead and giving time and attention to your child may suffice as far as getting rid of this kind of negative behavior is concerned. Take help from the tips above, and you’ll surely see a positive change in your child’s behavior shortly!

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