5 Tips to Raise Your Child into a Balanced Tech User

The consistently advancing technology has brought in a sea change to how we, humans, lead our life. But the fact is that while at one end technology has smoothened out a lot of aspects for us, there are certain areas that got wrinkled out. Such a worrisome effect is particularly noticeable in children, who are increasingly falling prey to the overuse of technology. A recent study found that the use of devices among children worldwide has increased by almost 89%. This makes it even more important to teach our children to make appropriate use of technology and help them turn into balanced tech users. This is necessary to enable them to use technology judiciously and aptly.

At Delhi Public School Kota, ranked among the Best CBSE Schools in Kota, we firmly believe that though technology has become an unavoidable part of our life today, implementing a balance between screen time and real-life is imperative. And on that note, we have brought for you today five easy yet effective tips to raise your kids into balanced tech users. Read on.


Make a tech usage plan for family

An important thing to understand here is that in the right hands and with apt use, technology can surely be a helpful tool. However, when it is misused or used unconsciously, it can displace many vital activities such as face-to-face interactions, family time, outdoor games, exercise, recreational activities, sleep, and much more. Hence, chalk out a technology usage plan for the entire family and stick to it. For instance, you can keep a gadget-free hour every day where you make sure of not taking help of technology in any way. This will help your kids understand the fact that though technology has its own share of benefits, having a tech-free time is also necessary.


Help them grow an interest in books

We, at DPS Kota, have always maintained that though the technology is unquestionably a boon, nothing can ever replace the power of books. Technology can have drawbacks, but books not only lay the most effective way to boosting the IQ of kids but also help to save them from getting overexposed to digital screens. Reading and even discussing the topics you/they read also helps to keep them away from devices and technology and keeps them engaged for longer. But yes, keep in mind to let them choose the books they would like to read instead of pushing them to read as per your choice. This will help arouse their interest in reading, and they will feel more driven to learn from whatever they read.


Help them choose what’s right

More than 80,000 apps are marketed as educational, but if you see, their actual quality as what seems interactive is much more distracting. It is thus important that your children make use of appropriate apps and don’t fall prey to the wrong ones. Teach them how they can benefit from the information available on the internet and what is the right way to do that. Besides, we, at DPS Kota, one of the best CBSE schools in Kota, would also advise you to teach the kids about healthy digital practices so that they know how much use is right and when it turns into overuse.


Educate children on privacy and online predator dangers

Let them know that texting inappropriate pictures can land them where they can’t reverse the situation. Make them understand that once they share some content with others through digital means, it will remain there in the world of the internet even if they delete it from their end. It is hence necessary to remain aware of the information they are sharing on the internet. If they are unaware of privacy settings, teach them and also make them aware that hackers and bullies often use social networking portals, chat rooms, email, and online gaming to reach out to extort young children.


Conclusory thoughts

Everything has its pros and cons, and the same applies to technology as well. As such, knowing how to use and manage technology in this constantly changing and advancing digital world is extremely necessary. If used appropriately, technology can be highly beneficial. But if used otherwise, it has its own share of drawbacks as well. To draw maximum benefits from technology, it is crucial that it is used in a balanced way.

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