6 Tips for Your Child’s Eye Care

We all know that human beings are gifted with 5 senses, i.e., sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. Each of these senses is equally important and vital for calling a person healthy or unhealthy. Today, we are here to discuss the importance of sight and how to take care of the same.

The fact is that we can’t even imagine a day without using our sense of sight. Just think how difficult it would be to perform your day-to-day activities if at all you are asked to keep your eyes closed all day long! This shows how badly we need our sense of sight, and thus, it is extremely important that we take good care of our eyes. Yet, research shows that around 20% of school-aged kids have issues related to their vision. Over one in 20 preschool-age kids and one in four school-age children have a vision disorder. This isn’t something to be ignored! However, the problem is that most eye conditions do not display any symptoms. Children, too, rarely show any obvious signs of vision problems. Then how do you take care of your child’s eyes?

So, to help you keep your children’s eyes healthy and protect their eyesight, we, at DPS Kota, ranked among the best CBSE schools in Kota, have brought for you in this article today six tips for your child’s eye care. Read on to attain some crucial insights in this matter.

  • Focus on proper nutrition:

Taking proper care of your kid’s eyes starts with offering them a healthy diet. Children should be provided with healthy and nutritious food items like fresh green vegetables, colorful fruits, eggs, and nuts to promote good eye health.

  • Hydration is crucial:

Proper hydration is an essential factor that contributes to good eye health. Your child should be offered to drink at least 5 to 6 full glasses of water every day. If your kid hesitates to drink water, you can provide them with fruit juices or enhance it by infusing water with fresh fruits and herbs to get different flavors.

  • Limit the screen time:

Most kids spend too much time in front of screens these days. But do you know leaving kids passively watching TV or mobile phones not just makes them inactive but also has a very bad effect on their eyes? Thus, it is very important that you set a limit on their screen time and engage them in more active plays. For instance, educational toys, visually appealing books, recreational games, etc., are a good way to keep children active and also away from the harmful effects of digital screens.

  • Encourage outdoor activities:

Kids must be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. Such activities are physically beneficial to children and help with their overall health. Thus, whenever possible, take your kids to the nearby park and let them walk barefoot on the grass and run and play with other kids around. This will not just help improve their vision but also help them get over social anxiety and learn many more skills by being outdoors. Playing in the park, exploring nearby gardens, or even just taking a walk will help their eyes relax.

  • Give the eyes enough rest:

It is necessary that your child gets good-quality sleep and proper rest to keep his/her eyes healthy. Most kids need 8 to 10 hours of enough sleep each night. Even during the day, ask your kids to splash fresh water on their eyes at least 2-3 times and sit with their eyes closed whenever they feel tired. In case they are spending some time on the gadgets, ask them to take their eyes off the screen every 20 minutes to prevent eye strain.

  • Use nontoxic toys:

These days, kids’ toys come in different materials, shapes, and sizes. You need to choose safe, age-appropriate toys for them, especially if your kids are young. Avoid sharp toys, electronic toys, or ones with flashy lights since they can be harmful to your child’s eyes.

Summing Up

Good vision is critical to a child’s growth and development. It is crucial for their well-being. Thus, we, at DPS Kota, positioned among the best CBSE schools in Kota, would advise you to remain vigilant about your child’s eyes as it can help identify and address problems early on. Also, follow the tips shared in this article above, and you can rest assured that your child has a healthy vision.

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