Being Truthful with Kids is Necessary!

In a world plagued with hidden agendas and half-truths, it can be challenging for parents to determine whether they should hide certain things from their little ones or make them face reality. While most children are not mature enough to handle all truth, we at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the top 10 schools of Kota, firmly believe that continuous and proper guidance can help overcome this problem.

For parents, it is important to understand that their children will step out of the house as they grow, and venturing out with notions based on half-baked truth will cause them more harm than good. Hence, while it is tough, it is best to remain truthful with kids from a young age.

What you can do here is to share honest information based on the kid’s age. Start by sharing truths that can be best explained as per their understanding level and maturity. If you start doing it continuously, you will notice your kids change for the good.

It has been seen that parents who remain truthful with their kids help their little ones grow faster and better. On the contrary, parents who avoid this path often miss out on the following benefits:

  • Fostering Unbreakable Bonds

It might sound cliché, but honesty is the cornerstone that greatly fortifies all parent-child relationships. Children can sense when their parents are being truthful. So, giving them a positive impression can make your little ones feel secure in the authentic home environment.

As a result, children start feeling more comfortable communicating their fears, dreams, thoughts, etc., to their parents, eventually strengthening their bond. The only step parents must take is to be truthful about the events around them. For example, if you had a pet dog that died of old age, don’t comfort them with a lie. Instead, tell the truth in an age-appropriate manner.


  • Harnessing Emotional Intelligence

We at Delhi Public School Kota always encourage parents to be truthful with their kids because truthfulness can become a catalyst in the growth of their emotional intelligence too. When parents embrace honesty, children eventually become quipped with an incredible ability to identify, process, and express their emotions as they are.

It starts by acknowledging tribulations and triumphs so that children feel safe to explore further and handle their emotions. It helps create a home environment where children feel safe to share their truth about failure, like not clearing an exam, not getting selected for a sports team, not being able to learn a skill within the stipulated timeframe, etc. These instances eventually start guiding them like a lighthouse, empowering them to build more meaningful connections and navigate the complexities of human relationships with ease.


  • Creating Fearless Warriors

Challenges are part and parcel of life. As such, it won’t be wise to expect your children’s life journey to be smooth and devoid of any problems. If you want to prepare your kids to swiftly navigate life’s twists and turns, they must witness honest encounters to become resilient and fearless warriors. Let’s understand this point better through an example.

Imagine a situation where your child experiences academic failure. If parents are truthful and embrace honesty in all life situations, they will be more willing to indulge in an open conversation that teaches children how victory is attainable even in case of failures. As a result, children develop a growth mindset and grow ready to face all life challenges.


  • Paving the Way for Ethical Development

Truthfulness and honesty have always been the guiding compass for moral and ethical development. When parents indulge in truthful discussions around ethical dilemmas with their kids and highlight the consequences of dishonesty, they are empowering their kids to make ethical and better choices going forward.

This moral compass eventually becomes an invaluable guide, helping kids navigate life’s complexities. Parents trying to raise ethically competent kids should begin by being truthful with their children. The results might not be visible in a short frame, but they will eventually show up.



If you don’t want lies, propaganda, and illusions masked as truth to consume your children, you, the parents, must become their beacon of hope and light. To that end, we at Delhi Public School Kota, positioned among the top 5 schools of Kota, believe the easiest way to do it is by start being truthful to your kids. This will help them trust you more and consult you often to find out whether a particular piece of information is reliable and genuine. The journey won’t be smooth and easy, but it will be worth it in the long run. 

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