How to Inculcate Gratitude in Children?

All parents want their children to become successful, loving, responsible, and humble. And the best way to foster these qualities in your child is by teaching them gratitude. To that end, we at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the best schools in Kota, firmly believe that if instilling gratitude in your children is your goal, the ideal time to begin working in this direction is early childhood.

When you do so, you will not only ignite positive emotions in your child but also help them enjoy more meaningful relationships with their friends, family members, and acquaintances. To add to that, it will help them learn to be happy and content with what they have and not constantly complain about situations they have no control over. Now, we understand making your child practice gratitude can be an uphill task. Thus, today, in this article below, we have brought for you some tips that will come to your aid in this regard.

  • Teach them to say thank you

A well-mannered child is perceived as somebody who does not believe they are entitled to anything. Rather, they are appreciative of whatever is coming their way. So, teach your kid to say thank you when the situation warrants then to do so. For that matter, continue to encourage your child to say thank you for all that they have, even if it does not stir up genuine gratitude in them or they do so mindlessly. Remember, it is the first step towards teaching them gratitude, so it does count.

  • Make them keep a gratitude journal

You can also instill gratitude in your child by helping them maintain a gratitude journal. Prompt them to write one thing they are grateful for each day. This helps them to be thankful for all they have, and they then do not take things for granted. Trust us; this will help pave the way for them to grow into better human beings.

  • Let them pitch in family chores

You can also teach gratitude to your child by allotting them chores to contribute to the family. Besides, make your child understand the connection by explaining to them that all family members have a responsibility toward each other. More so, you can show them how each family member contributes to the household in various ways. In doing so, your child will get to nurture their sense of gratitude while contributing to the greater good.

  • Volunteering

After helping with household chores, the next natural step involves volunteering at school or community events. Encourage your kid to volunteer in myriad ways. Be it fundraisers or informal help to a neighbor, or clean-up drives, you can involve your child in all types of volunteer work.

You can also foster your child’s sense of gratitude by telling them the reason for the volunteer activity and how it can help others. Note, by giving them specific volunteering examples, you help them to become kind, compassionate, and empathic. Also, make sure to talk to your child after their volunteering activity and know about their experience.

  • Donating

One of the best ways to imbibe gratefulness in your children is by encouraging them to donate. Here again, you can tell them how the donated items can come to the use of others. However, do not force your child to donate anything, but involve them in the decision-making process.

You can consider giving them a keep box where they can store all their favorite items. Then, ask them to pull out some items they might want to consider donating. Certainly, some kids resist donating toys because they feel they are losing control when doing so. Here, you can talk to them caringly and make them see how their generosity can benefit others.



The benefits of making gratitude a priority in your home are manifold. Both children and adults can benefit by showing gratitude. After all, a home filled with gratitude boosts the overall well-being of all family members alike.

However, keep in mind that when doing so, you have to remain prepared to receive unreasonable and ungrateful behavior at times. That’s because they are still in their learning zone and will take time to understand what you are trying to teach them. Just bear in mind that resistance by your kid in no way means you have failed to teach your child gratitude. Keep pouring efforts consistently. In fact, we at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the top 5 schools in Kota, would like to recommend parents to try out new gratitude strategies during such times. We are certain that sooner or later, you will find success in helping your little one grow into a responsible and empathetic individual you can truly feel proud of!

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