Is Parental Anger Necessary for Disciplining Kids?

Parenting is unarguably a challenging and demanding job, and disciplining children is often one of the most exhausting tasks that parenting entails. Undoubtedly, every parent wants the ultimate best for their children, and thus, they start disciplining them from a young age. While there are numerous ways to make your children disciplined, some parents resort to parental anger. It might look harmless at the surface level as it gets the work done; however, its impact on children’s minds gets unnoticed.

While we at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the best schools in Kota, understand that the intent behind parents using anger to discipline kids is not bad, we firmly believe that no matter what, you, as parents, should avoid using anger to discipline your children – The reason being the negative effect your anger can have on your kid’s emotional and mental well-being.

Parental anger is long being used in India as a tool to discipline children, but we aim to change this practice. When using parental anger as a discipline tactic, some parents end up yelling and even hitting children. Such actions have a profound impact on the kid’s psychology. It lowers their self-confidence, affects their academic performance, and makes them anxious, fearful, low on self-esteem, and even depressed. To help parents better discipline their kids without involving anger in the equation, we have listed below some effective ways you can start implementing from today.


  • Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations

Setting clear boundaries and expectations is crucial for kids’ safety, growth, and development. Parents can do it by clearly communicating certain rules/guidelines to help them understand what is expected of them and the associated consequences of not following them. For example, if you want your children to reduce their screen time, you shouldn’t only communicate your expectations but also explain to them the reason behind the set rules.

When children understand why spending excess time in front of a TV screen or phone screen is bad for them, they will follow your rules without resistance. You can start by creating age-appropriate boundaries and explain the same to your children. With effective communication, you can notice your children getting disciplined without resorting to parental anger.


  • Positive Reinforcement

A powerful tool for disciplining children, positive reinforcement uses encouragement as a discipline tool. To follow it, you must start acknowledging their positive behavior and praise them. It will motivate children to engage more in positive behaviors. This is a method we use a lot at Delhi Public School Kota, and it has shown magical results. Positive reinforcement focuses on rewarding children for sticking to expected actions or behaviors instead of punishing them for their wrong actions.

You can practice positive reinforcement in numerous ways. For example, you can encourage your kids by giving them a small gift or treat as a reward for their good actions. Giving them verbal praise can also work wonders if you don’t want to resort to giving gifts. When children notice they are getting rewarded for their positive actions, they will naturally make it a part of their daily life.


  • Empathy & Understanding

You can never go wrong while implementing this effective method. Parents should give up parental anger for empathy and understanding, as it is in the best interest of both kids and parents. When children feel understood, they will less likely act out or be defiant. This step requires patient listening so the child’s point of view can also be understood. It also helps parents to respond in a healthy and better manner, encouraging better relationships between them and their kids.

For example, if your child is suddenly acting out because he/she is feeling stressed, parents should ask them to describe their feelings. It will help parents to offer better guidance and support on effectively managing the situation and emotions. However, when you follow this method, make sure to avoid judging your child or criticizing their actions. Instead, focus on understanding the underlying reasons behind their actions or behaviors. Our entire staff at Delhi Public School Kota follows this method.



Disciplining kids without getting angry can be challenging, but it is doable. If you want to discipline your kids without negatively impacting their social and emotional well-being, you should replace parental anger with any of the methods discussed in this article. We at Delhi Public School Kota, ranked among the top schools in Kota, would like to assure you that implementing these ways will give you the desired result while promoting a healthy relationship between parents and kids. To get results, you must be consistent with these efforts. Your children will eventually notice it and start behaving accordingly.

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