Managing Emotions – An Art You Must Inevitably Teach Your Kids

Managing Emotions – An Art You Must Inevitably Teach Your Kids

Emotions are essentially psychological states that are a result of one’s thoughts, feelings, and responses. Be it adults or children, it is equally natural for every individual to flutter between different emotional states. While most adults are still able to understand as well as manage their emotions, it turns a little complicated for children. That’s […]

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Why Should Language Learning Be an Important Part of Your Child’s Education?

Why Should Language Learning Be an Important Part of Your Child’s Education?

“The development of language is a part of the development of the personality, for words are the natural means of expressing thoughts and establishing understanding between people.” – Maria Montessori Right from the time your child starts babbling, he/she begins a lifelong journey with languages. Words, sounds, and modulations – all thereby form a part […]

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How Powerful are the Parent-Child Interactions in Improving the Learning Outcomes in Kids?

How Powerful are the Parent-Child Interactions in Improving the Learning Outcomes in Kids?

  “A father’s goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother’s goodness deeper than the sea.” This Japanese proverb is more relevant today than ever before. That’s because the world around us is getting increasingly competitive by the minute, and as such, the groundwork for a successful life starts right in early childhood. No wonder, […]

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DPS Kota Registering New Feats Each Day Under the Mentorship of its Prestigious Management Committee

DPS Kota Registering New Feats Each Day Under the Mentorship of its Prestigious Management Committee

When it comes to leading an educational institution to the zenith of possibilities in terms of accomplishments and excellence, the management committee has the most significant role to play. And at DPS Kota, we are extremely proud to state that educational stalwarts leading us from the front have been the wind beneath our wing and […]

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