Stage Fright – How to Help Your Kids Fight the Same

Stage Fright – How to Help Your Kids Fight the Same

Stage fright or fear of public speaking is one of the most common forms of fear among the majority of people globally. And just as much the fear is prevalent among adults, so it is among children. Haven’t you seen your kids trying to hide away from being called on stage, even if it is for the purpose of giving them some prize or appreciation? The reason is they fear being the center of attention. If not given due consideration in time, this fear keeps growing and may soon turn into a matter of extreme concern.

This is why we, at DPS Kota, ranked among the top 10 schools in Kota, firmly believe that efforts must be laid in making the kids stage-friendly right during their initial years. After all, for children, giving an on-stage performance is not just an extracurricular activity but a skill that helps form their personality. With the right techniques, children can be encouraged to speak with confidence and get rid of this fear.

So today, we, at DPS Kota, are here to share with you all some tips to help you do just that. Read on.


Know the Reason for their Stage Fright

There are several reasons why your child could be experiencing stage fright. By probing and knowing the possible reasons, you can help your kids find the best solutions to fix the problem. For example: if your child is anxious and nervous because he has had a bad experience on the stage before, then instead of disregarding his fear right away and forcing the child to go on stage, first of all, empathize with his anxious feelings and encourage the kid to express his concerns to you. Let the child know that every opportunity to go on stage presents him with a new prospect to fight off his fear and rise stronger. Don’t push the child, rather try and make him feel excited about it.


Preparation and Practice Hold the Key

Sometimes lack of preparation can also cause stage fear. What you can do in such a case is to help the child with his preparations. Help the kid practice well, and that will automatically add up to his confidence. Having the right preparation and regularly practicing in front of a mirror or with family can help your child become familiar with speaking for an audience and overcome this fear. Let the child grab any opportunity that comes their way to talk in front of an audience, be it merely in front of 4 to 5 people. The more they practice and face the stage, the more they will get comfortable with it and overcome the fear.


Relaxation & Positivity Matter a Lot

Getting pre-performance jitters isn’t rare or anything unusual. In fact, even renowned celebrities tend to feel anxious before their on-stage performances. However, the core mantra in this regard is to stay calm and positive. This is where practicing meditation, yoga, or any other relaxation techniques like listening to music or even laughter can come to your aid in soothing the pre-performance worries. Help your child let go of any negative thoughts and stay positive throughout.


Assure Them About Your Availability and Appreciate Them

Many children feel comfortable knowing that you, their parents, their biggest supporters, are there to help them when they are feeling anxious. Before their performance, take some time to assure your child that you will be there waiting for them. Let them know that you love them and are proud of the efforts they are putting up. Children love when their work is appreciated by everyone. Hence, instead of how they perform, make sure that you appreciate their efforts and encourage them to try even better the next time. Even if they made mistakes, focus on what went well and help them work to improve further.

We, at DPS Kota, one of the top 10 schools in Kota, understand that stage fright isn’t as simple to overcome as it may seem. However, we firmly believe that with consistent efforts in the direction of overcoming this fear and with strong support from the parents, bidding goodbye to stage fear isn’t impossible. We would hence urge the parents to keep practicing the tips shared in this article above, and you will gradually see an improvement in your child’s confidence. This will help them combat their stage fright and grow more confident and optimistic.

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