Strategies for Busy Parents to Build Stronger Relationships with Their Kids

One of the strongest and most reliable relationships a child ever develops is with their parents. When kids learn more about their environment, society, life situations, etc., they always turn to their parents for guidance. However, it often happens that the parents are mostly busy with work, and as such, kids find it really challenging to approach them. This is, in fact, a very common scenario in today’s times where both parents are working and juggling numerous tasks. This makes it difficult and very taxing for the parents to give enough time to their kids.

But does that mean the kids should suffer? No, not at all! There are actually numerous ways that busy parents can follow to strengthen their relationship with their kids. For instance, at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the leading CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, we organize fun events where parents and kids spend quality time together, and it works great to sweeten and strengthen their bond. Likewise, you can also partake in various activities with your kids at home, which will help to improve your relationship with them. Sharing below a few tips for you in this regard:


  • Show Your Love More Frequently

Love, affection, and human touch are needed at every stage of a person’s life for healthy neurobiological and emotional development. It is why even simple acts of showing love, like giving hugs, have a significant impact. Even if you are busy with work and cannot spend time with your kids on any given day, giving them a gentle hug and promising to spend quality time soon would help strengthen your relationship.   

Besides showing love through actions, you can also verbally express your love. Trust us, merely simple yet pleasing words from you can be reassuring enough for kids and are enough to keep them going throughout the day. Even when children act tough, you can handle the situation by showing unconditional love. Saying ‘I love you’ or hugging or pampering them with something they love are all excellent ways busy parents can use to build stronger relationships with kids.


  • Play Together

Another great way of fostering an everlasting relationship with your kids is by playing with them. You can choose to play any games together; what matters is the time spent together. If you don’t have the time to organize outdoor play dates, you can search for any indoor games you can play with your kids. Chess, monopoly, lego building set, building puzzles, and video games are some indoor play options. But if you want to bond outside, consider going to parks together over the weekends and playing badminton, basketball, etc.

In fact, to enable busy parents to spend some fun time with their kids, we at Delhi Public School Kota keep organizing playful events where parents and kids can gel together and improve their relationship. Our teachers diligently handpick activities that are fun to participate in so both parents and kids enjoy their time.


  • Listen to Them & Empathize with Their Feelings

You can lay a strong foundation for a long-lasting relationship through active listening. Even if you cannot engage in fancy ways of strengthening your relationship with your kids, you can leverage simple yet effective methods. Start acknowledging your child’s feelings/emotions without judging them. Busy parents must also show kids that they understand them and reassure them of their presence and support.

The best part about listening and empathizing is it can instantly calm an irritated child, helping you develop a better relationship with them. Once you start placing yourself in your child’s position and understand their viewpoint, improving the relationship becomes easier.


  • Be Available and Create a Distraction-Free Communication Environment

A misconception that we at Delhi Public School Kota would like to burst today is that busy parents have to daily spend hours with their kids to develop a strong bond. We completely understand that if you’re working in the corporate sector, unexpected workloads, meetings, and deadlines can emerge, halting your daily ‘we time’ with your kids. Thus, while committing to spend long hours with your kids can become challenging, setting aside ten minutes is possible.

It makes them feel loved and taken care of. The relationship between you two starts growing when you regularly communicate with kids, even if it is just for a few minutes. So, if you have a busy schedule, start blocking at least ten minutes of your time for your kids, and it would do wonders in improving your bonding with your children.



Developing stronger parent-child relationships makes parenting easier and more rewarding. It helps both feel connected to one another. If you’re a busy parent who wants to deepen the bond with their children, we at Delhi Public School Kota, one of the best CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, suggest following the above strategies. We often recommend these methods to parents during our parent-teacher meetings and school events because of their effectiveness. So, go ahead and try them.

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