The Most Effective Confidence Strengthening Activities for Kids

The Most Effective Confidence Strengthening Activities for Kids

We, the human beings, are born with certain inherent traits. And there are some other traits like self-assurance, which are though not innate but are still crucial to have. Self-assurance or confidence is something that we learn and attain through experiences. In fact, our sense of ourselves and our place in the world emerges as a part of the developmental process over time, starting with the early days of childhood.

We, at Delhi Public School Kota, recognized among the leading CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, have noted that children who grow up with a positive sense of self are not only more confident in their interactions but also showcase assertiveness in different crucial areas of their life. Similarly, we have also noticed that children who struggle with self-confidence find it hard to keep the feelings of anxiety and hopelessness at bay, which, more than anything else, affects their mental peace and tranquility.

This is why we, at DPS Kota, believe it to be of utmost importance to get children engaged in various confidence-building activities from a young age. And today, we will share a few ideas in this regard that you can try with the kids at home.

The ‘I am’ exercise to strengthen their confidence

We have a simple activity in mind that can help children be proud of their own self and remove their self-doubts. Get a drawing paper and paste your kid’s photo in the middle of it. Now, ask your child to write down all the positive and negative adjectives they have heard about themselves, but tell them to circle only the positive ones. It will help them remember all the amazing things they have done and how capable they are.

Handing over the responsibility of chores to the children

Your trust in them and their abilities act as a fountain of strength for the kids and their self-confidence. So, show them that you believe in their capabilities by giving them the responsibility for different chores around the house, such as mopping the floor or watering the plants. They might make mistakes, but help them correct their mistakes instead of dwelling on them.

Take part in their playtime but let them lead the way

Taking part in all the fun and games with your kids sends out the message that they are worth your time and attention. However, you need to keep in mind that you should not only partake in their games but also allow them to lead the way. Let them select the game and explain the rules of it to you to show them how valued their opinions are.

Take their ideas or advice into account whenever possible

We are not asking you to take or follow your kids’ advice at every stage and for each initiative. However, allow them to have a say in things that are appropriate for their age to let them know that their ideas hold importance to you. For instance, let them choose the veggies for dinner or the destination for summer vacation. It will also show them that asking for help when needed shouldn’t hurt the confidence.

Spend quality time with your kids to increase their self-worth

Acceptance and love are the two major components of self-worth and confidence. It would hence surely help if you take the initiative to spend quality time with the kids. You can set aside an after-dinner conversation time with the kids on a daily basis and have special movie nights or weekly dine-outs with your young champs.

Do not hold back on offering genuine praise to the kids

Your genuine praises act as a way to let the kids know that they are on the right path. And, by genuine praises, we mean focusing more on the kids’ efforts rather than simply saying “well done” or “good work” on their success. Instead, highlight their confident efforts and hard work that led to the achievement.

At DPS Kota, one of the best CBSE affiliated schools in Kota, we firmly believe that confidence and self-belief are the most important gifts that we can offer our children to shape their personalities in a positive light and lead them onwards to greater achievements in life. So, our advice would be to pick up the strategies that we have discussed here and start your efforts to build confidence in the apple of your eyes in the right direction.


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