5 Rules You Must Observe to Keep Safe on the Internet

From watching movies on our favorite OTT platforms to helping the kids continue their education amidst the pandemic, it is safe to say that the internet has become an integral part of our lives. But like all things, the internet comes with its fair share of vices, especially for children who are yet figuring out what is good and bad.

The fact is that there are more kids using the internet today than ever before. And because there is no stopping them from using it, it becomes all the more essential to monitor their activity and teach them how to stay safe. After all, in the digitalized world where you cannot simply keep the kids away from the internet and the digital technology, the least that can be done is to ensure to keep them safe while still letting them reap the benefits. So today, we, at Delhi Public School, Kota, regarded as the best school in Kota, will be shedding some light on why cyber-safety is such a big deal today and what steps you can take to keep your kids safe on the internet. 

  1. Set some ground rules around the internet and device usage

With any technology, moderation is the king. Before anything else, prepare a ‘what is allowed and when’ schedule so that your children know their internet usage limits. Having a ‘no mobile’ policy at mealtimes, a digital curfew time, having a no-internet day are some of the ways to limiting their screen time. Such rules not only limit their access to the internet but also have substantial health benefits.

  1. Encourage children to discuss their online activity openly

At DPS Kota, we firmly believe that the best way to help your kids understand the pros and cons of the internet is to allow your them the freedom to discuss their mind openly with you. The more they open up to you about their online presence, the greater chances you have to intervene in times of need.

  1. Research about parental controls and exercise them

Sometimes even the most harmless Google search can return scandalous results. To prevent this, there are several parental controls available, both free and paid. Always ensure you turn on your ‘safe search’ setting before allowing your kids to surf the browser. Similar controls are present in almost all OTT platforms, YouTube, etc. So, research well and start exercising your parental controls without delay.

  1. Become social media savvy yourself first

Internet safety is a lesson you learn best when you are an active user. So, to teach your kids about a social network site’s privacy settings and digital self-defense, you should be adept at using the platform yourself. We, at DPS Kota, believe that there are certain things about the social media networks that both you as well as your children should know about, which include –

  1. Privacy settings
  2. Blocking bullies and miscreants
  3. Reporting offensive content


  1. Teach kids the problems of ‘sharing’ sensitive information

Digital privacy is more of a luxury today. In order to personalize services, sharing information is rampant. But there is a thin line between personalization and cyber-crimes. You should explain to kids the importance of keeping sensitive personal information safe, especially on social media sites. Help them understand what is ‘share-worthy and what is not.

Closing Thoughts

We, at DPS Kota, one of the best schools in Kota, believe that no doubt the World Wide Web (WWW) is nothing short of a saving grace today. However, keeping our children safe from the dangers of the internet is more important now than ever before. Though the internet is definitely a boon for the youth as it enables them to explore and learn far beyond the boundaries of textbooks and even their physical reach. But if safe practices are not followed, this boon doesn’t take much time in turning into a bane. It is hence very important that children know how to use the internet in the safest manner possible. And we hope by following a few simple steps shared in this article today, you will be able to ensure that your kids and your entire family stay protected against the vile side of the online world.

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