Why Should Language Learning Be an Important Part of Your Child’s Education?

Why Should Language Learning Be an Important Part of Your Child’s Education?

“The development of language is a part of the development of the personality, for words are the natural means of expressing thoughts and establishing understanding between people.” – Maria Montessori

Right from the time your child starts babbling, he/she begins a lifelong journey with languages. Words, sounds, and modulations – all thereby form a part of the elaborate scheme of expressing oneself. Be it verbal or written; language is base for all communications. And this is why having a strong grip on language is as vital as having life skills.

At Delhi Public School, Kota, one among the Top 10 Schools in Kota, we understand the importance of language and communication skills in the modern world and have thus included language learning as an integral part of our curriculum. And today, in this article, we would like to discuss with you all the key benefits of language learning for children and why it is no longer an optional affair.

Language Learning and Character Building

When you think of the benefits of picking a new language, it is usually easy global networking or better job prospects that first come to your mind. And yes, these are two of the most lucrative benefits. However, being bilingual (or multilingual) has so much more to it than meets the eye!

There is a huge consensus amongst researchers working in the arena of child development regarding the more long-lasting and holistic benefits of learning new languages in terms of character building. So here, we at DPS Kota, have pointed out the main aspects in this matter which will help you understand how language learning nurtures important character-building skills in children. Read on.

#1 Learning a new language helps instill some crucial life skills in children

A multilingual brain operates very differently than others. Studies have revealed that kids who learn a new language develop better memory, are better able to multitask, and have improved socio-cognitive senses. These virtues directly translate to life skills that give children an edge over others.

#2 Language learning nurtures their natural curiosity

Children are the best examples of the proverbial curious cats. However, positive curiosity is one of the strongest development tools for kids. Learning a new language nurtures their innate curiosity about new places, people, and cultures. When they start early, language classes help them develop other important skills like compassion for others and open-mindedness for different perspectives.

#3 Languages help advance in the journey of self-awareness

Metacognition or the sense of self-awareness is one of the essential 21st-Century Skills. It is the process of knowing one’s inner thoughts and asking deeper questions. When children learn new languages, it helps them connect with their inner self and improve metacognition.

Language Learning and Career Building

Now let’s talk about the more obvious and measurable benefit of learning new languages, i.e., career-building. In today’s time, geographic boundaries cannot obstruct the vast opportunities that children get by the time they are in their teens. Today’s world is a global village, and knowing the most popular world languages means only one thing – better access to information and better connections.

Language learning thus helps children become global citizens. If the kids know how to speak a foreign language, they are better positioned to get enrolment in good colleges, land a better job, or liaise with people from different parts of the world.

Closing Thoughts

It is a known fact that most children pick up their mother tongue first. While some stop at just that, others move on to learning one or multiple other languages. But we, at DPS Kota, ranked among the top 10 schools in Kota, strongly believe that when it comes to learning a language, one is never enough. This is all the more relevant today when the world has become one big global village. Going ahead, our children can have their hands on the biggest of opportunities anywhere in the world, provided they have a firm grip on one or more foreign languages. With this aim, we, at DPS Kota, always encourage our students to be multilingual and keep on providing them with the opportunities to gain a grip on more than one language.

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